Climate change adaptation strategies
Our more than 180 senior experts with a wide range of expertise and experience are characterized by a professional approach to the upcoming problems of climate change, and at the same time they possess an interdisciplinary and cooperatively designed solution competence.
The professional and technical expertise enables us to determine both how, how much, why (awareness raising) and who should produce renewable electricity, and also how the system of EEG (renewable energy law) should be designed so that a minimum of the generated electricity can also be fed into the grid. We evaluate where and to what extent there is potential for improvement and help to compare the offers.
Based on the competences and practical experience of our Senior Experts, we can more easily respond to social and socio-political conditions and see as one of our most important tasks to avoid losers and winners. We support citizens to become aware of their actions regarding energy consumption and thus to be able to change them more easily. We provide cities and municipalities with practicable support for political leadership to contribute to a more level playing field in climate policy and attach importance to a functioning conflict management.
Another essential task of ASEP Austrian Senior Experts is the comprehensive, in-depth process support (including the concept for the process design), which is necessary to give the EEGs a solid and sustainable start.
We are looking forward to your interest
Your contact persons

Dr. Christa Fischer-Korp
Biologist and mediator
Designs and accompanies change and adaptation processes including conflict management in companies and communities, designs information and communication strategies and mediates leadership to political leaders.
Book author

Dr. Hansjörg Preiss
Management Consultant
Support for EEG projects in the following areas:
+ Project coordination between operators/interested parties and municipalities
+ Project presentation – preparation, planning, implementation
+ Preparation, planning of citizen information events
+ Project documentation and monitoring
+ Project support for communities
+ Information gathering and preparation for EEG interested parties
Member of the community board in the city Hinterbrühl (Lower Austria)
Member of the working group “energy optimization in municipally owned objects”

Ing. Mag. Klaus Bergsmann
Finance and sustainability expert
Born 1956 in Upper Austria. Educated as mechanical engineer and graduate of the University of Vienna/Economics. After 4 years as an assistant at the HTL Mödling, he has been working in finance since 1982 and retired in mid-2020 but continues to work as a consultant for “Sustainable Solutions”.
Professional focus was the project responsibility for several acquisitions of banks in Austria and abroad for Erste Group. The development of the international insurance business of ERSTE Group through starting or restructuring of life insurance companies in CEE. Most recently, development of the “Group Sustainability Office” as Chief Sustainability Officer for ERSTE Group.
Member of the advisory board of “ERSTE WWF Stock Environment”, an investment fund of ERSTE Group based on strict sustainability criteria.
Enthusiastic mountain hiker, member of the Rotary Club Mödling and parish council in the parish of Maria Enzersdorf.